A Margin for Change
Walking the path requires space on either sides! Stiff thinking is not strong thinking. A stiffly resolute mind is not a strong mind. Digging in your heels to an idea is weak. Real strength comes from your ability to confider you may be wrong.
Of Stubbed Toes and Epic Battles
In a world filled with countless life challenges, it's easy to question the wisdom of dedicating years of our lives to training for something as specific as combat. After all, you don't see people spending hours in the gym trying to avoid stubbing their toes, a painful experience that can often be more excruciating than taking a punch. So, why do so many individuals practice martial arts with such dedication and commitment?
Immovable Mind. Not Stubborn.
FUDOSHIN: the mind that can not be disturbed by circumstance.
Preserving Koryu Martial Arts: More Than Just Martial Canning
When we talk about preserving a Koryu martial art, what exactly are we preserving? The word "preserve" implies the act of maintaining something in its original state, much like making strawberry preserves ensures that the fruit's material literally remains unchanged over time. But when we apply this concept to martial arts, it becomes apparent that preservation goes beyond the physical techniques themselves.
Principle of Success
It's crucial to recognize that these elements are interdependent. Knowledge without courage remains dormant potential, and courage without knowledge can lead to misguided endeavors. When you align your understanding with the bravery to act, you set yourself on a course to achieve your goals, making success not only attainable but also inevitable. So, whether it's a career opportunity, a personal aspiration, or a lifelong dream, remember that with knowledge and courage, you possess the keys to unlock your potential and accomplish anything in life